Saturday, April 15, 2006

Beware if a man named Fabio asks to borrow your camera

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Monster chow

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If you can choose to build on either side of the river

build on the side with running water Posted by Picasa

Contrasting buildings in Batopilas

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Batopilas at night

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Army dudes looking for dope

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Recipe for 15 passenger van

fill to brim with people, strap luggage on top for extra-high center of gravity. Add steep curvy road to taste. Posted by Picasa

The good part of the road

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Geological formation: strange

Why not build a town on it? Posted by Picasa

This is where the road flattened out

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E. develops a tumor in Mexico

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Thursday, April 13, 2006


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Cows were hanging out near the warm-springs too

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The not-so hot springs doubled as the local swimming pool

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The arrows point the way

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Is that a preppy German Jehovahs Witness?

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The road into the canyon was too steep

...and bouncy to bike down. Also, the breaks didn't work very well. Posted by Picasa

Portrait by talkative German Jehovah Witness

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Standing on the edge

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Tam is totally impressed by his shadow

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Monday, April 10, 2006

Growing season

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C and D photoshoot

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