The saga continues...
Actual emails sent to the Seattle police. How many theives are this cool?
"He has a tranvestite friend named didi, possibly a white cadillac."
From: DB
Date: Apr 22, 2005 8:07 AM
Subject: Re: Subject: SPD Case # 05-X (theft from building)
we went last night. She came downstairs from her apartment, was
definitley strung out, but did have a bunch of Y's paperwork,
mostly just what he would need for identity theft. She said she met
"Wes" from her neighbor in the apartment, and that he lives in a house
on beacon hill. Also that he keeps returning to her apartment and
banging on the door demanding the paperwork back. She is scared of
him, unfortunately, also of you (the police). I asked for more info,
and I could tell she knew more, but wouldn't say. Just vague things
"he always uses people" and " we've were doing lots of drugs for
like...two days". Possibly they were having a romantic spat? Anyhow,
she had a good heart, she called us, and I think she wants to help.
She said she was going to tell him that she was going to call the
cops. I told her not to threaten him, just to do it, or he might
strike out. So maybe help her along and call her. The correct number
to reach her turns out to be 206 xxx xxxx. Thanks LH.
On 4/21/05, D B
> The thiefs girlfriend called. Lorrie Haines 684 xxxx she lives at xxxx
> east XXXXX apt xxx. sounds strung out. says the thief has been staying
> with her and has a bunch of our stuff at her apartment, as well as his
> stuff. His name is Wes, he fits the description. has a tranvestite
> friend named didi, possibly a white cadillac. We are going down to
> retrieve some stuff now. she invited us.We will call for backup when
> we are one block away.
> db
> 206 xxx xxxx (boyfriend)