Saturday, July 02, 2005
Friday, July 01, 2005
Thursday, June 30, 2005
"The people opposed to the war aren't putting their asses on the line," Bray boomed from beside the bar. Then why isn't he putting his ass on the line? "I'm not putting my ass on the line because I had the opportunity to go to the number-one business school in the country," he declared, his voice rising in defensive anger, "and I wasn't going to pass that up."
Robert Novak has been in the Karl Rove mouthpiece business for over 25 years: BROOKE GLADSTONE: Another media management technique employed by Rove that you document could be called "strategic leakage." The issue of leaks dates back to 1980 -- the Reagan campaign -- you say that Rove was fired for leaking.
JOE MEALEY: Yes. That was a, a leak to Robert Novak, actually, [LAUGHTER] involving Rob Mosbacker. Rob Mosbacker was an operative in the Bush I campaign with Rove, and Rove leaked to Robert Novak that Mosbacker had done a terrible job. It came out in Novak's column, and Rove was fired.
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Monday, June 27, 2005
Sunday, June 26, 2005
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