Monday, July 11, 2005

No comment on a pending investigations...

... when the news is bad. It's like the press, after being beaten down for years, has suddenly jumped back to the 80s and the 90s. They can ask questions AND ask for real answers:

"MCCLELLAN: There will be a time to talk about this, but now is not the time to talk about it.Q: Do you think people will accept that, what you're saying today?
MCCLELLAN: Again, I've responded to the question.
QUESTION: You're in a bad spot here, Scott... because after the investigation began -- after the criminal investigation was under way -- you said, October 10th, 2003, "I spoke with those individuals, Rove, Abrams and Libby. As I pointed out, those individuals assured me they were not involved in this," from that podium. That's after the criminal investigation began.Now that Rove has essentially been caught red-handed peddling this information, all of a sudden you have respect for the sanctity of the criminal investigation?


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